ML71: How To Use Competition in Learning
Discover the benefits of competition in learning and how to use it constructively, how competition can harm learning if it’s not kept in check and how to compete with yourself to make progress in the long run.

Our natural instinct to compete with others can be a powerful motivator for learning. As someone who's naturally competitive, using competition has definitely worked well for me in the early stages of learning a new skill and if you're wired in a similar way I'll be surprised if it hasn’t worked for you too.
But anything in excess is its opposite and being overly competitive can also harm your ability to learn if you don’t manage it properly. It’s very easy to focus too much on the competition and not enough on yourself.
The truth is there will always be people who are better than us and we need to accept that. If we can, then we can allow ourselves to celebrate others’ achievements and use them as inspiration for pursuing our own.
In this short episode, I'm joined by Will Reynolds - writer, videographer and all around MetaLearner. We discuss a range of topics including:
- The benefits of competition in learning and how to use it constructively
- How competition can harm learning if it’s not kept in check
- How to compete with yourself over an extended period of time
So whether you're looking to use competition to start learning a new skill or just want to try competing with yourself for a while, this episode will give you everything you need and more.