ML69: How to Overcome Perfectionism in Learning

Discover why perfectionism hurts learning and the rare exception where it helps, the difference between having high general expectations and low specific expectations and simple strategies to overcome perfectionism and keep making progress.

ML69: How to Overcome Perfectionism in Learning

We all want to be perfect at anything we learn but these expectations of excellence are often unhelpful and more often than not they leave us in a state of paralysis.

Very often, the reason we don’t act on our desire to build that business, learn that language or master that new sport is because when we get started, we’re not going to be very good and this will quickly shatter that illusion of perfection that we’ve fantasised about so vividly.

In this short episode, I'm joined by Will Reynolds - writer, videographer and all around MetaLearner. We discuss a range of topics including:

- Why perfectionism hurts learning, and the rare exception where it helps
- The difference between having high general expectations and low specific expectations
- Simple strategies to overcome perfectionism and keep making progress

So whether you're looking to overcome perfectionism and start learning that new skill or fine tune your balance between over ambition and slacking, this episode will give you everything you need and more.