ML67: The Battle Between Productivity and Creativity

In Western society, many of us have now accepted the belief that productivity and efficiency are the foundations for success, but this can greatly harm our creativity. Discover the tools and techniques needed to find a balance between productivity and creativity, and avoid getting stuck in fixed rou

ML67: The Battle Between Productivity and Creativity

In Western society, many of us have now accepted the belief that productivity and efficiency are the foundations for success and happiness.

While having some systems in place is important to reduce stress, the truth is that many of us stray towards the other extreme by trying to control everything about our environments and ourselves.

Not only does this obsession with control reduce the quality of our learning and daily experience, it can also harm the creative process by getting us stuck in fixed routines that prevent us from pursuing novel experiences.

In this short episode, Will Reynolds, writer, videographer and all around MetaLearner, joins me to discuss a range of topics including:

- The problems with worshipping at the altar of productivity
- The importance of constraints for the creative process
- How to find balance between productivity and creativity

So whether you're curious about about productivity techniques, want to learn more about the creative process or want to find a way to balance these forces in your life, this episode will give you all that and much more.


- This episode was edited by George Drake Jr.